Out in stores now.. Brand new releases from D-Style and L&B \o/ This Daniel Jacket and Aiden Cargos (I'm wearing in brown) both comes with a color change HUD so you can mix and match your styles of preference.. It's an awesome casual but classy look.. Also new release from Lapointe & Bastchild, these "Dress Shoe" Buckle Loafer w. HUD... These are high textured.. High quality that you have come to expect from L&B.. You have options of changing leathers, buckle, skin tones..and with or without socks :D

D-Styles newly released Seb Vest and T-Shirt w. HUD along with again the Aiden cargo pants.. See the options you get! Lots, so that you can create your own style. With this outfit loads of accessories.. Top brands like these ears, bracelets, and dog tags necklace from MANDALA. These awesome boots from [Gos] which is a absolute for any guyz inventory. As you can see, I'm putting these HUDS here for your info.. Be sure to check out all the styles u get!

Have you guess so far that this blog is loads of D-Style.. It is! There is so many new items released ! (I suspect Chrissy is on speeds of awesomeness O.O) This D-Style Zodan Casual Jacket w. HUD is one of them.. I'm wearing it along with the D-Style Urban Legend Pants Male w. HUD. The HUD on this jacket is amazing.. There is so many options! These UBU Drunks w. HUD tied the outfit all together.

There is still a day or so left of the Thrift Shop.. So grab these deals! Wearing from Hostyle Shapes Tyler and from Citrus this mens red leather jacket.. You can find these both at the Thrift Shop.. But you gotta hurry...Shop ends Dec 1st!! Newly released from Moose Clothing these baggy red pants (they are sold in separate and you can chose among lots of different colors !) and along with these awesome sneakers from Latreia (It comes with a HUD with 7 colors).
D-Styles Valander Jacket and Tank w. HUD and Ziggy Pants w. HUD.. The HUD comes with so many options for the jacket, the tank, and the pants.. So many cool textures to chose from *____* Mix and match for your own personal style.. In this I'm wearing Abel shape from Hostyle Shapes...Again found only at The Thrift Shop for a very limited time!

To sum it up...Yes a explosion of newly released items...Each outfit numbered and everything in place so you can check below to get your own!! D-Style..L&B.. Keep your eyes on these and head on over there.. And don't forget to catch The Thrift Shop.. You have to go now cuz its ending soon!
Phewww.. Ok, done for now. See ya in a while crocodile ;)
Hair: .::MADesigns HAIR::. ~ AKAMI ~ Black I
Ears: [:S&V:] Human Ear
Jacket: D-Style Daniel Jacket Brown w. HUD - NEW !!!
Pants: D-Style Aiden Cargos w. HUD - NEW !!!
Shoes: .:L&B:. "Dress Shoe" Buckle Loafer w. HUD - NEW !!!
Glasses: [b.nuts] wide nerdies
Hair: [Atro Patena] - Jack_Black
Beard: Bad@zz - Facial Hair Only - 7
Eyeliner: Flirt - Guy Liner 1
Ears: Stretched ears-Omimi- [MANDALA]
Face Tattoo: .Identity. - The Code III [Fresh]
Tattoo: .Identity. PMS - My Native Roots Tattoo
Vest: D-Style Seb Vest and T-Shirt w. HUD - NEW !!!
Pants: D-Style Aiden Cargos w. HUD - NEW !!!
Shoes: [Gos] Triumph Boot - Male
Nails: SuPerBia NaiLs *BanDs 2* PoLiSheD HanD
Bracelet: MALE =A (L) [MANDALA] OKAKI Bracelet/Black
Wristband: :sey Leather wristband-silver-with textures change
Necklace: MALE[MANDALA]SHAMIRA DOG TAG necklace/Black
Hair: [INK] Hair___OGLE ::Roots
Ears: Stretched ears-Omimi- [MANDALA]
Tattoo: .Identity. Bad Behaviour - Fresh [Tattoo]
Face Tattoo: .Identity. - The Code III [Fresh]
Jacket: D-Style Zodan Casual Jacket w. HUD - NEW !!!
Pants: D-Style Urban Legend Pants Male w. HUD
Shoes: UBU Drunks w. HUD
Piercing: :HV: Stud [Decay] MALE
Nails: SuPerBia NaiLs *BanDs 2* PoLiSheD HanD
Shape: .:{Hostyle Shapes}:. Tyler @ Thrift Shop
Skin: Ooh-la-licious/Marcello/Peach/Buzz Cut
Hair: [INK] Hair___OGLE ::Roots
Ears: Stretched ears-Omimi- [MANDALA]
Facial Hair: ::Fe Style:: Facial Hair
Tattoo: .Identity. Bad Behaviour
Face Tattoo: .Identity. - The Code III
Jacket: *Citrus* Mens Leather Red Man @ Thrift Shop
Pants: Moose Clothing - Baggy Pants Red - NEW !!!
Shoes: Latreia- Aiden - NEW !!!
Nails: SuPerBia NaiLs *BanDs 2* PoLiSheD HanD
Shape: .:{Hostyle Shapes}:. Abel Shape @ Thrift Shop
Hair: Action Sid Overdose
Hair Base: Action Hair Base 02 Veganic [Platinum]
Ears: Stretched ears-Omimi- [MANDALA]
Beard: -NIVARO- Beards - trimmedbeard_tintable
Tattoo: [ZENTRO] Skull 3 tattoo @
Jacket: D-Style Valander Jacket and Tank w. HUD - NEW !!!
Pants: D-Style Ziggy Pants w. HUD - NEW !!!
Shoes: Razor /// Johnny Rotten Foot Only - Unrigged
Necklace: (chest)MALE[MANDALA]SHAMIRA DOG TAG necklace/Black
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