Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sweet Sacrifice...Totally *EPIC*!

The greatest thing about Secondlife, is we can be anything we want to be. I love changing forms and I love venturing into the mystical, the scary, and fantasy part of a avatar. This outfit I'm bringing you today is some pieces that I threw together from one of our most outstanding sponsors *EPIC*...When it comes to this store,Im so in love..not only does it have nice and very detailed clothing,but it has the extras I need to fantasy up my wardrobe! Before I get started just a few things I want add, Jade has been working hard from the looks of it I see, the store is totally being redone with a great design and lots of room, theres also teleporters there at the door,so you can tp to where ever you need to go easily. When you first go in, your gonna see the sign up for *EPICS* main group..I strongly advise being in this group, Jade puts out awesome gifts exclusively for group members and this isnt just little tadbits, its really nice free gifts!!! Ok,so on to this outfit! When i got there the first thing I found was the horns,,and I love them! They are resize and they have this little sparkle that animates from them,totally cute!! I then proceeded to the back horns,these are mod also,so you can easily move to fit you and u can also modify the color! When you buy them you get 4 colors, Bone,cream,grey and dark. Being a succubus,they dont wear to much,so looking around this little 2 piece fit perfect, it comes in a array of colors to! Now this tail,,I love it..(your gonna hear those 3 words in alot of my EPIC post,sorry..but.I LOVE IT! This tail is completely mod, u can change the skin color,the heart color, and the strings get the B+W and the flesh version so its very workable with lots of outfits!! If your into hooves,,then your gonna die when you get to the store, EPIC has so many choice on hooves, paws,etc..On this outfit I chose the 2.0 Digi Stockings in black,I love the little toes! To finish it up I added some Ploom hair and all together, one hott outfit!! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did doing it...explore your secondlife, be who you could be in your dreams...and head over to EPIC!

Ploom Aidyn - Indecisive

Epic Mythic Sparkle Antlers (Coal)

Epic Sexy Sporty Set {Red}

{Kys} Must Be This Tall To Ride

Epic Spinal Mod/Tintable Demon Horns {Fat Pack}

Epic Kyoot Succubus ' Heart Tail

Epic 2.0 Digi Stockings (Black)

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