Sunday, April 28, 2013

Angels On the Moon - Fantasy Faire/Cancer SocietyKey of Hope Hunt

Hey out there,lots of info and some gorgeous I'm bringing you alot of EPIC! This designer is one of my most personal favorites and has been since i started secondlife..the quality,the designs,the imagination and the dreams..I love it <3 There are so many colors for both the dress and the wings you just wont believe it and all are fantasy fantastic!! The dresses also come witht he Tango appliers, so you can get ur bewbie on :P  All are so highly detailed and the wings, I have to say are the best I have ever reason..Jade personally hand pants these designs and you can so defintely tell the effort and work she has put into her will be amazed.....Also,,umm yea,,check out these new ears..cuz im so in love with them..yes they huge and unique..but look whose talking to you ehh?..Ive included all the information for the fantasy faire and the landmarks to get to all the amazing sims, and they are dont have long,so drop everything and go check out this amazing event!!

* * Fantasy Faire 2013, April 20 - 28th * *
 A Benefit for the American Cancer Society
Celebrating its fifth year, Fantasy Faire 2013 is the largest gathering of fantasy designers, enthusiasts, roleplayers and performers in the virtual world. From Saturday April 20 to Sunday April 28, treat yourself to nine days of shopping, live music concerts, auctions, hunts and roleplaying as thousands of Second Life residents and creators come together to support the American Cancer Society’s vision of a world without cancer.

Avatars, clothing, furnishings, gadgets, goodies and exclusive items are available from more than 130 of SL's top Fantasy Creators, spread across ten stunning sims designed by some of the visionary artists behind many of the hottest spots on the SL destination guide.

The Fantasy Faire 2013 is made possible by the generous support of our Sim and Event Sponsors: æros avatar, The Arcanum, Cerridwen's Cauldron, Dark Goddess Designs, Dwarfins, Epic Toy Factory, Fallen Gods Inc., Fanavatar & Moonstruck, FATEWear, F_cking Ninjas, The Looking Glass,  L'Uomo, Roawenwood, --= Solarium =--, Spyralle,  T R I D E N T.

Fantasy Faire 2013 will be open to the public April 20 -28 and accessible from the American Cancer Society sim. We welcome you to come and join the story.

Are you or a loved one battling cancer?  Find out how many ways the American Cancer Society is there to help.  Visit or call (US) 800-ACS-2345. 


*Epic Skins* [Light Evangeline - Lunar Bundle]
.ploom. Stephie - Pastels
- DAMNED - My Perfect Eyelashes <3
*~*Illusions*~* Sylph Ears
MONS / Makeups - black eyeliner series
MONS / Makeups - Lucious Lipgloss2
-UtopiaH-  Betrayal Piercing
Synthetique Colour Tactics - Pastels
Slink Womens Natural Barefeet (Mesh Rigged)
*Epic* Fairy Sparkle Dream Wings {Black/White}
*Epic* Mesh Faery Glitter Dress {Black}

Also Key Of hope Hunt, you can find out all the information you need  at have been informed that the hunt will officially begin May 1st and go thru May is delayed so that you get the most magical experience because this hunt is also a sure to check it out!

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